Anatomical Descriptions ThatCompute Functional Attributes
Goal: To write adescription of an anatomical structure that leads directly to the calculationof its functional attributes. For instance, an anatomical description of ajoint may embody its range of motion or a description of the muscles andligaments around a joint yields the relationships between muscle length andjoint configuration. The functionsof interest are expressed in terms of movements. The movement may be an internal motion, such as strain, orand external motion, such as ranges of motion and movement trajectories.
At the foundation of this analysis is the fact thatanatomical structures are orientable.
Anatomical description is expressed in terms of location,extension, and orientation. Eachof these attributes has a precise meaning, a manner of specification, anddefinite rules for its manipulation during movements of all types.
Location is wherethe object is in space. Generally,it is specified for some particular point in the object, such as a bonyprominence or the center of a joint. Location is changed by translation, rotation, and re-scaling.
Orientation is howan object is aligned with its surroundings. It is expressed as three mutually orthogonal unit vectorsthat form a basis. Such a set oforientation vectors is called a frame of reference
Orientation can be specified by only two quaternion vectors,with a prior agreement about the handedness of the coordinate system.
Location does not have orientation and orientation does nothave location. While all theelements are vectors and they may be expressed in terms of a common set ofcoordinates, they occupy different spaces.
The lumbar vertebra is described by a framed vector, , where the location, l,is relative to an origin, O, theextension from the location of the vertebra to the right facet joint is
Extension is theinternal organization of an object, its length, depth, and width relative tosome reference point, usually the objectÕs location. While extension shares attributes with location andorientation and can be expressed in terms of locations and in terms oforientation, it is different from both. An objectÕs shape and/or conformation of its internal landmarks can beexpressed by a set of extension vectors. Extension is changed by rotation and re-scaling, but not by translation.
Placement is theterm used to indicate both the location of an anatomical object and itsorientation. Any non-null movementchanges placement.
In addition to placement, an anatomical object may haveextension. Placement and extensionmay be expressed as a framed vector. A framed vector is a locationvector, a set of extension vectors, and a frame of reference for theorientation. However, it is aloosely defined entity that can change to meet almost all situations fordescription.
We develop a concept of joints, a concept similar in itsusual usage, but with a more general meaning. Some of the objects studied as examples of joints are notusually called joints. Forinstance, the eye in its orbital socket will be a particularly useful joint forexploring a number of lines of reasoning and developing some analytic methods.
A joint is ajunction of two orientable elements with a common axis of rotation. The jointis defined by a transformation between the orientation of the pre-joint elementand the post-joint element (Scapular Frame and Humeral Frame 1).
Usually the location of a functional joint is its axis ofrotation, which is seldom in the anatomical joint. It is often within one of the moving anatomical objects thatform the joint. However, inmulti-joint systems, like the cervical spine, the location of the functionaljoint may be outside all of the constituent elements.
In general, the ratio of two frames of reference is aquaternion.
A change of placement cannot always be expressed as aquaternion, but it may be expressed as a combination of a translation and arotation, therefore by a fixed vector and a quaternion.
A quaternion is a hypercomplex number, like a complexnumber, but with three imaginary components, i, j, and k
Quaternions add and multiply algebraically with the caveatthat i, j
Despite the weirdness of number composed of three differentimaginary numbers and a real number, quaternions turn out to be ideal for thedescription of rotations in three-dimensional space. The three orthogonal directions of space are labeled withthe three imaginary numbers so that vectors formed by combining multiples ofthose three imaginary numbers are vectors in the space.
It is worth noting that quaternions include real numbers,that is, the scalar of a quaternion, and complex numbers and they add vectors,that is, quaternions with a null scalar. The concept of vectors started with quaternions and it was simplifiedwhen vector analysis was created. Quaternion vectors are subtly different from vector analysis vectors,which means that there are some things that can be done with quaternion vectorsthat are not legal with vector analysis vectors. One of the most powerful concepts of quaternion analysis isthe ratio of two vectors. Itunderlies almost everything that is presented here.
The ratio of two vectors is a quaternion
It is convenient to operationally define a quaternionas the ratio of two vectors. The vector ofa quaternion is the vector perpendicularto the plane that contains the two vectors that points in the direction of thethumb on a right hand that has the fingers curled in the direction that carriesthe denominator of the ratio into the numerator. The tensor of a quaternion
If a quaternion is defined in a space with the basis vectors{i, j, k} then the quaternion may bewritten as follows.
It follows from its definition of a quaternion that thequaternion operating uponthe vector
is the vector
The cosine term is the scalar of the quaternion, . It is a realnumber.
The sine term is the vector of the quaternion, , and it may be expressed as a sum of multiples of the basisvectors.
This means that the quaternion may be written in thefollowing form.
This will be called the rectangular form of the quaternionand the expression in terms of a tensor, angle, and unit vector will be thetrigonometric form. As withcomplex numbers, the two forms are useful in different contexts, so each willbe used frequently and interchangeably. Also, as with complex numbers, there is an exponential form, but therewill be little occasion to sue it.
Rotation of the vector aaround the vector of the quaternion R sweeps out a conical surface to yield the vector
The power of quaternions is that any vector rotated about anarbitrary axis of rotation
through anangular excursion
is equal to the following expression.
Such a rotation is called a conical rotation because the rotatingvector sweeps out a conical surface. Conical rotations are the more usual type of rotation in most contexts,because if the axis of rotation and the rotating vector are chosen at random,the chances of their beng orthogonal are essentially nil.
Still, there are situations in which the definition of aquaternion as the ratio of two vectors, both orthogonal to the vector of thequaternion, will be extremely useful. For instance, when computing the ratio of two orientations it isnecessary to break the operation down into two component rotations, each ofwhich is precisely the ratio of two vectors in a plane.
These are the concepts that form the foundation foranatomical descriptions that compute functional implications.
Although a detailed exact calculation of the consequences ofthe anatomy may be computationally complex, the concepts that are developedhere can be used in an intuitive, qualitative, manner to address many questionswith no calculation at all or simple back of the envelope types of estimation.
It may be noted that no actual calculations have beenpresented here. To do so effectively requires a bit more background, but allthe necessary foundations are laid out elsewhere along with a great manyapplications.