Compound Movements inMulti-joint Systems
Compound movements in multi-joint systems almost never havea fixed center of rotation, with no translation. In fact, the principal advantage of compound movements isoften that they convert rotations into translations. One can reach out using rotations in the shoulder andelbow. By their nature, jointsconvert small rotatory movements within the physical joint into large excursionsof parts of the bones at some distance from the joint.
Consider a simple system with two links that rotate about acentral joint. Such a simplesystem can already produce linear movement, rotatory movement, and combinationsof both. However, to create alinear movement, there must be a precise coordination of the actions in thejoints.
In the above figure, a two link armature has beenconstructed and compelled to move the distal end of the armature along astraight line extending away from its proximal endpoint.
One can readily see in the figure that the relationshipsbetween the locations of the joint and the distal end of the distal link arenot simple and the relationships between the angles and
The first step towards a deep understanding a process isoften to describe it as precisely as possible. Therefore, letŐs consider how such a two link system mightbe described.
To start with, let the proximal end of the proximal process,, be fixed. Thelocation of the joint between the links, , and the distal end of the distal link,
The orientations of the proximal and distal links canalso be written down.
If the ratio of the initial orientations is
We can combine these expressions and obtain the descriptionfor the distal end of the distal segment in terms of the initial conditions forthe armature.
However, the location of the distal endpoint may also bedescribed as lying a given distance in a direction relative to
Setting aside rotations of the system as a whole about theline of movement, the linkage lies in a plane defined by the two links.
The angle of the quaternion of the rotation,
We can write down the expression for the distal endpointorientation in term of these quantities.
These alternative descriptions lead directly to a pair ofequations involving the rotation quaternions.
These equations express the relationships between therotations at and
We can write out the rotation quaternions in trigonometricform as follows.
This means that we can rewrite the expression for therelationship the locations as follows.
We were able to simplify the expression because the axisof rotation is perpendicular to the moving link. Consequently, the expression uses twice the angle in theoriginal expression.
Now, let us consider some calculations to illustrate theforegoing points. Start with asituation like that in the following figure.
The two links are of equal length (1.0) and the initialpositions for the two links are along the i-axis.
The proximal link is rotated 30ˇ, 45ˇ, and 60ˇ to generate
It is straightforward to compute the values of
The distal endpoints may be similarly computed.
Because of the geometry of the described situation, it isclear that the distal endpoint of the armature traces a straight line thatpasses through as itmoves. The dynamics of the proximallink are fairly simple, but the dynamics of the distal link are substantiallymore complex.
If the angular velocity is uniform at
It is clear that the component movements are both rotationsand yet the compound movement contains a large translation component.
In this instance, it makes most sense to view the movementas a translation that sweeps along the circular arc centered on the proximalend of the proximal segment as the rotation occurs about that traveling centerof rotation. Curiously, theangular excursion of the rotation is 90ˇ, but the joint at
Clearly, as set up, it is possible to make movements thatare perpendicular to the reaching movement that we have just considered.
Both the hip and shoulder joints are ball and socketjoints. They allow a wide varietyof trajectories and thereby set the plane in which the knee or elbow joint willrotate. The ankle/foot and thewrist/hand are also able to move in multiple planes to set the orientation ofthe end of the limb, the part that usually engages the rest of the world.
When we examine the musculature, it becomes apparent whythis arrangement is used. Theintrinsic instability of the proximal joint requires a great deal of musculatureto control the limbŐs orientation. In the shoulder we find the large masses of the latissimus dorsi, thetrapezius, rhomboid and levator scapulae muscles to the scapula and thesupraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres major, subscapularis, and minor musclesfrom the scapula to the humerus to control the posterior aspect of the jointand the pectoralis major and minor, coracobrachialis, and biceps to control theanterior aspect. The serratusanterior acts through the scapula and the deltoid acts both anteriorly andposteriorly. In the hip, we haveall the glutei, the piriformis, the gemmeli, obturators, tensor fascia lata,the quadriceps muscles, and iliopsoas, the hamstrings and several adductors operatingaround the joint. Because of themasses of these muscles, it is necessary to keep them close to the axis of thebody, to reduce the angular momentum of inertia of the limb.
It is possible to allow the distal joint to move aboutmultiple axes, because the mass that needs to be moved is comparatively small,the hand or foot. The muscle canbe placed proximal to the joint and the muscles can be relatively small. Mostof the muscles that control the fingers are in the proximal forearm andsimilarly for the toes and the calf. In animals that need to move very fast, the wrist and hand are elongatedand there is minimal muscular mass, giving a long lever arm with acomparatively low angular moment of inertia.
It is necessary to have a greater freedom of movement in thedistal end of the armature to partially compensate for the shifts oforientation that are enforced by the arrangement of the more proximaljoints. That is especially so inapes and monkeys, which are able to grip objects with their hands.
One way around that would to be to allow the middle joint torotate about the axis of the distal link. In fact that is approximately what happens. The movement in the jointthat moves the forearm is about a single axis, but there is an axis of rotationfor the wrist that passes through the distal end of the ulna and the proximalend of the radius. Thephysiologically relevant movement is the rotation of the distal end of the radiusabout the distal end of the ulna. It is complemented by rotations about an axis parallel with the longaxis of the radial facet (abduction/adduction) and an axis parallel with thelong axis of the radial facet (flexion/extension). The wrist cannot move about intermediate axes because of theoblong shape of the facet. Movingabout an oblique axis, intermediary to the flexion/extension and theabduction/adduction axes, would force the joint to separate, which isrestrained from happening by the ligaments about the joint.
The proximal end of the radius lies in the elbow joint,where it is essentially a ball and socket joint, but the annular ligamenteffectively restrains movements in that joint to rotation about an axis nearlyparallel with the ulna shaft. Itis actually not necessary to the wrist joint. It can be surgically removed by cutting off the proximal endof the radius with minimal consequences for wrist movement.
In summation, even though there are theoreticalpossibilities of generating transverse movements by movements in the centraljoint of the armature, there are mechanical reasons why it is not a goodsolution to the generation of such movements. The normal anatomical means of generating such movements isto rotate the proximal link in the proximal joint and allow the flexion/extension in the central joint to move the distal end of the distal link totrace out a circular arc.
Movements in the distal joint are made more stable byfractionating the movement into several axes that travel with the bones and arefixed relative the local landmarks. So, the abduction/adduction axis for the wrist in anatomical positionallows the wrist to move in a parasagittal plane when the distal end of theradius is rotated 90ˇ about the ulna. Each component joint is essentially a hinge joint, therefore requiresmuch less muscle to control its movements, but, added together, we can obtain aconsiderable amount of movement in multiple directions.