The Anatomical Geometry of Muscles Sets
This chapter will consider a concept that will be called muscleset and the way that muscles controlmovements through muscle set. Forpresent purposes, muscle set will be the lengths and directions of the musclesthat bind together a collection of bones. Strictly speaking, there need not be bones. For instance, the muscles of facial expression are a set ofinterdependent muscles that move skin and fascia. However, we will concentrate upon muscles that attach to bonesand move those bones upon other bones, in joints between the bones.
Muscular attachments to bones are consistent from body tobody, being particular to the muscle and the bone. Therefore, muscles appear to be definite anatomicalentities, rather than simply mental constructs that help us to describe theiranatomy. This consistency suggeststhat their particular arrangement serves a purpose, which is implicit in theiranatomy.
Since bones are rigid, the locations of the muscularattachment sites upon bone remain fixed relative to the placement of the bone.Consequently, as location and orientation of a bone change, so do the locationsof its muscular attachments. Iftwo bones are linked through a joint or a series of joints, then movement in ajoint (or joints) will change the locations of the muscle attachments in apredictable way. That will changethe lengths and directions of the muscles. If we know the locations of themuscle attachments relative to the bones and the placements of the bones, thenit is possible to compute the set of muscle lengths and their directions. Therewill be a unique set of muscle lengths for each and every placement of the bones.
The muscle set for all the extrinsic eye muscles versus
The set of muscle lengths can be plotted against the bonyplacements. The result is asurface in an abstract space. Anexample of such a surface is illustrated above for the extrinsic eye musclesthat move the eyeball in the orbit. Such a surface has the dimensions of the boneÕs, or in this case theeyeballÕs, placement plus the muscleÕs lengths. In the illustrated surface, lengths of the eye muscles areplotted against gaze direction.
As with many movement systems, the internal constraints ofthe anatomy and functional restrictions dictated by physiology reduce thenumber of placement dimensions, from a possible theoretical number of six(three for location and three for orientation), down to two (up/down andmedial/lateral). There is ananatomical dimension for each muscle length, each of which is plotted aseparate section of the surface in the illustration. The number of dimensions for the muscle set surface is thenumber of dimensions for placement, in this case two dimensions.
In this chapter we will examine how the muscle set dependsupon bony placement and vice versa.
The following figure illustrates a simple anatomicalarrangement that will serve as a model system. It involves two bones, Aand B, linked by a set of musclesnamed for their attachments. Thebones have three processes (V, L, R)that are directed symmetrically away from the center of the bone (and
). Muscleattachment may be situated on any of the processes or the center of thebone.
A musculoskeletal system is defined by the geometry ofthe component bones and the manner in which its muscles attach to thosebones. The distribution of themuscles relative to the joint determine their actions.
Some sample muscles are illustrated.) of bone A andthe ends of any of the processes of bone B(
). The musclebetween the vertical processes is called
, which tells us that it connects the apex of the verticalprocess of A (
) to the apex of the vertical process of
). Similarly,the other two muscles are designated by the names
. A muscle fromthe center of A,
, to an attachment part way up the shaft of the verticalprocess,
, is designated by the name
The origins and insertions of each muscle and thearrangement of its bones define a musculoskeletal anatomical system.
Both the origins and insertions may be referred to asinsertions, because either can be fixed with the other moving or both may bemoving. When we wish to explicitlystate that one end of the muscle is fixed, then it will be called theorigin. This is at variance withstandard anatomical practice, which places the origin nearer to the bodymidline, irrespective of its functional role.
Muscle attachments will usually be expressed as extensionvectors in framed vectors of bones. Other possible extensions of a bone may be its joints and any fulcra formuscles that may exist. The set offramed vectors that contain this information form the mathematical descriptionof an anatomical system, its basis. The basis and a set of muscle lengths determine the geometrical anatomyof the system. With thatinformation, we can compute the consequences of muscle actions.
In most anatomical systems a joint may reasonably assumed tohave a single instantaneous axis of rotation, which may, however, shift itslocation relative to the participating bones as a function of joint angle.
It should be noted that not all joints have a singleinstantaneous axis of rotation. For instance, a saddle joint will have two distinct axes of rotation,which are mutually orthogonal and on opposite sides of the joint surface.
It is necessary to differentiate between anatomical jointsand functional joints. An anatomicaljoint is the physical structure, usually acleft between bones, with articular surfaces where they abut and/or they aretethered together by ligaments and/or joint capsules. The anatomical joint is interesting and important tounderstanding the movements between the bones. However, because the articular surfaces are nearly alwayscurved surfaces, the axes of rotation are usually outside the anatomicaljoint. The placement of the axisof rotation defines a functional joint. In the lower cervicalspine, the axes of rotation for a joint may be several vertebrae caudal to theanatomical joint, which may place the functional joint entirely outside thebones of the neck (see chapters on the cervical spine).
The muscle moment, ). It is aquaternion, with a vector that passes through the joint, perpendicular to theplane that contains the joint and both insertions. Where an attachment has been designated as the origin, theratio will usually be the origin over the insertion, because that is thedirection in which the muscle is rotating the moving bone.
A muscleÕs moment is the ratio of it origin to itsinsertion, where both are defined relative to the joint that it is operatingacross.
The angle of the moment ( or
) is the angular excursion from B to A,viewed from J.
. The tensor ofthe moment (
) is the ratio of the distance from J to Ato the distance from J to B
Muscle moments reflect the turning ability of the muscleacting at the joint. It may be easily seen that the angle of the muscle momentis a function of the muscleÕs location relative to the joint (see next figure,below). For instance, a musclethat lies close to the joint will produce greater amounts of angular excursionthan the same length muscle are a greater distance. However, the more distant muscle will move the joint morereadily with the same effort, as dictated by the geometry of levers (Force xDistance = Constant = Work).
The same length muscle is shifted between threepositions along a single direction. The red version (AB
The location of the muscle relative to the jointdetermines the tensor of its moment in a non-linear fashion.
The placement of the muscle relative to the joint along theaxis of the muscle may also affect the muscle moment. If the muscle is symmetrical with respect to the joint, thenthe lengths of the insertion vectors will be equal and the moment will be aunit quaternion. If the muscle isaligned so that one insertion is as close as possible to the joint, then therelative lengths of the insertion vectors will be as great or small aspossible. If both insertions aredistant from the joint, then the tensor of the movement will also beapproximately unity.
The tensor of the muscle moment is the ratio of the lengthsof the vectors to the muscle insertions.
If we assume a muscle length of 1.0 () and vary the distance to the line of action of the muscle (
) and the displacement of the origin of the muscle (
, the behavior is much more non-linear than for the musclemoderately distant (
) or distant (
). Therelationship is most sensitive for situations where the muscle extends toeither side of the joint (
The tensor of the muscle moment is plotted versus theoffset for a range of offsets and distances to the line of action from thejoint. The tensor is highlysensitive to the location of the muscle relative to the joint, especially whenthe muscle lies close to the joint.
The tensor of the muscle moment will generally not be usefulin what follows and it will be common practice to compute and use the unitquaternion for the muscle moment. For most muscles the muscle passes quite close to the joint and itattaches to either side of the joint in a highly asymmetrical fashion.
The angle of the muscle moment quaternion is the differencebetween the two insertions vectors.
Given a muscle that has a direction and a musclemoment
it is possible to determine the nearest approach of themuscle line of action to the joint, . We compute theunit vector of each parameter to determine the directions of the muscle and ofthe turning vector, which we know is perpendicular to the plane that containsthe two insertions and the joint.
The unit vector in the direction of the perpendicular tothe line of muscle action through the joint is mutually perpendicular to thealready computed vectors.
We can specify the point of intersection between theperpendicular and the line of action in two different ways., and it is the joint location plus some multiple of the unitvector in the direction of the perpendicular through the joint to the line ofaction,
. On the otherhand the insertion A is thejoint plus the vector to the insertion.
If we write out the three component equations for the threeorthogonal basis vectors, then there are three equations with two unknowns,therefore we can determine the value of , which is the distance from the joint to the line of actionof the muscle,
Let us envision a generalized joint, as illustrated in theabove figure. It is a universaljoint with a spherical joint surface, so that all types of movements arepotentially possible, rather like the shoulder and hip joints.
We introduce a muscle that connects two bony offsets, one oneach bone (OA onbone A and
Our present objective is to illustrate how a muscle setsurface may be computed for a set of muscles crossing a joint.
Muscle length is . It is thedependent variable of the muscle set surface. As described earlier in this chapter, the muscle moment isthe ratio of the origin to the insertion, relative to the joint.
The axis of rotation for the muscle at the joint, , is the second element of the frame of reference for themuscle relative to the joint. Thefirst element is the unit vectorin the direction of the muscle,
. Thethird element of the frame of reference, the perpendicular to the muscle fromthe joint, is the ratio of these two unit vectors.
The frame of the bone relative to a muscle (
In this system, let us define the direction of a bone as theunit vector in the direction of the root of the offset.
The first component is the direction of the bone, the secondis the plane of the muscle attachment relative to the bone, and the third isthe perpendicular direction of the muscle attachment relative to the bone.
The muscle set surface is an invariant for the geometry of ajoint/muscle system. It may beexpressed in a form that does not depend upon the particular placement of thesystem because one can always rotate and translate the joint configuration sothat one bone, say bone A, is in astandard location and orientation and then the same transformation applied tothe moving bone, bone B, will bringit along in its original relation to bone A.
In such a canonical system, a muscle set surface can beexpressed with complete generality as function of joint movements relative to aneutral placement. Muscle lengthis not affected by moving the system into a standard form, because internalspatial relationships are unchanged by a rotation of the system as awhole. On the other hand, musclelength varies as a function of movements from a neutral placement of the joint,irrespective of the orientation of the musculoskeletal system as a whole.
Since the movement will be the same for all muscles crossingthe joint, the complete muscle set surface may be computed and plotted againstthe same independent variables. The complete muscle set surface is the combination of the collection ofindividual muscle set surfaces.
Note that muscle force is not an invariant.
We will now consider a small number of examples of thecalculation of a muscle set surface for a single muscle, plotted againstrelative bone placement in a joint that the muscle crosses.
In each case the calculation is essentially the same.
The muscle insertion is rotated about the longitudinal axisof bone B, through an angle , and then about a transverse axis perpendicular to thelongitudinal axis that will cause bone Bto flex or extend upon bone A,through an angle
. Inkinesiological terminology, the moving bone spins about its longitudinal axisthrough an angle of
and then swingsabout a transverse axis that moves with the bone, though an angle of
. The initialtransverse axis is perpendicular to the plane of the muscle and the bone, the
axis of the frame of reference for the bone relative to themuscle attachment.
The muscle vector, , is the difference between the new location of the muscleinsertion and the location of the muscle origin. It is the length of
that is plottedversus the placement of bone B.
Rotating bone Babout its longitudinal axis once more, after the computed movement, will alterthe placement of bone B by changingits orientation. However, thatoption will not be used here. Therefore, the placement will have its orientation determined by thelocation and the orientation will have null spin relative to neutralplacement. The advantage for presentpurposes is that placement has only two dimensions, allowing us to plot themuscle set surfaces as two-dimensional surfaces in a three-dimensional space.
There are other options for creating an array of placementsof bone B. The one sketched herewill give an array that is like the lines of longitude and latitude on aglobe. In fact all of the surfacesplotted below are for a hemisphere of movement. This system seems to be a natural array for a universaljoint. Other, more restricted,joints might warrant a different type of array. In which case, the rotation quaternions might be constructeddifferently.
For a first example, consider a muscle like that illustratedabove to illustrate the concept of a generalized universal joint, where theorigin is far from the joint and the insertion is near it.
The muscle extends from an origin near the proximal endof bone A to an insertion near thejoint on bone B.
The muscle set surface is fairly simple.
This arrangement seems to be well designed for situationswhere a large joint excursion into flexion or extension is required.
In a second example, the muscle origin is moved distallyuntil it lies just proximal to the universal joint and the muscle insertionlies just distal to the joint and rotated laterally through 90¡.
As one might expect, the muscle becomes longer as the jointis rotated so as to increase the angle between the offsets and it shortens whenthe angle is reduced until they are aligned. Flexing the joint also reduced the length of the muscle, butgenerally not as quickly. Musclecontraction that produces a rotation that brings the offsets into alignment andflexes the joint is the movement that causes the greatest shortening of themuscle. However, the extent towhich the muscle can bring about that movement is restricted by the gap betweenthe insertions when the offsets are aligned being smaller than the muscle canachieve. The maximal contractionof a muscle from greatest to shortest length is probably 50%.
The muscle set surface for a muscle that crosses theuniversal joint diagonally between an origin and insertion where both are closeto the joint.
As a result of these considerations, such muscles will tendto be important for laterally rotating a joint. They are most stretched and shortened by such movements andthey are comparatively insensitive to flexion and extension.
Next, consider a muscle that is in many ways like the deltoidmuscle of the shoulder. We willconsider the muscle in terms of three component muscle descriptions thatrepresent different aspects of the muscle. The first component, the middle component, extends from anoffset that directly overhangs the joint to an insertion some distance down theshaft of bone B.
A deltoid-like muscle takes its origin from an offsetring above the joint and it inserts into the shaft of the moving bone.
Bone B is rotatedabout its long axis through a series of angular excursions from -90¡ to +90¡and then about an axis perpendicular to the plane that contains the shaft ofthe bone and the offset, again through a series of angular excursions from -90¡to +90¡. In each location bone
In the following calculations, if the functional joint istaken to be the origin of the coordinate system, then the origins and insertionof the three components are taken to be at the following locations.
The valuesare approximations from actual shoulder joints, where the radius of curvaturefor the spherical facet is set equal to 0.1 units. One usually obtains the best results when using the valuesapproximately equal to actual anatomical values, because they usually give thebest compromise of all the possible values. By choosing values that differ from the anatomical values,one can often discover why the anatomical values are what they are.
The following figure shows the geometrical relations of thefirst component of the muscle. Itresembles the first illustration of this section, that for a long muscle thatjust crosses the joint, but it is different in a number of interesting ways.
Rotation about the long axis of bone B in a pendant position leads to minor lengthening of themuscle so contraction of the muscle will tend to move the bones towards neutralconfiguration. That effect is morepronounced as bone B is abducted(moving towards the left in the illustrated surface). The trend is reversed when there is more that 150¡ ofextension, however, anatomical joints would not normally support that muchextension. In actualglenohumeral joints, the range ofabduction is on the order of 60¡ to 90¡ of abduction and the range of medialand lateral rotation are usually less than 90¡ from neutral placement(Kapandji).
Muscle set surface for the middle component of adeltoid-like muscle where the neutral point is chosen with the arm pendant.
The more pronounced geometrical relationship is the changein muscle length as the bone B iselevated. The return oncontraction becomes less as the joint approaches 150¡ of elevation, but itremains the dominant consequence of muscle contraction throughout the entirephysiological range. Consequently,the contraction of the central component of this deltoid-like muscle, workingalone, tends to lift the arm directly laterally. All the contraction vectors are directed towards the centralmeridian through neutral placement and elevation.
That raises the question of what one gains by having theanterior and posterior components of the muscle. Because their arrangement is symmetrical with respect to thebones their muscle set surfaces are also symmetrical.
Muscle set surfaces for the anterior and posteriorcomponents of the deltoid-like muscle constrain the ability of a bone to movein the opposite direction and pull it towards the same direction at the origin.These two surfaces are mirror reflections of each other in the coronal planethrough neutral placement.
The anterior and posterior components are more directed atbringing bone B forwards and backwards. Rotation of the bone about its long axis will moderately lengthen amuscle for rotation in one direction and shorten it for rotation in theopposite direction. When the boneis rotated so as to lengthen the muscle, the muscle is not very effective inelevating the bone until it is already elevated about 50¡.
The three component muscle set surfaces consideredabove are plotted together and viewed from a different viewpoint.
The muscle set surface for a deltoid like muscle iscomplex. In the above figure thethree surfaces that were considered individually are plotted in the samecoordinate system to illustrate their differences and how they might workcooperatively in the control of the joint. In fact, the complete muscle set surface for thedeltoid-like muscle is a stack of such surfaces, a sheave, as it were.
Such surfaces are complex. In most instances, three or more dimensions of placement aswell as the muscle lengths for several muscles or muscle components.
In the course of the derivation in the last section, wecomputed the three components of a frame of reference for the muscle relativeto the joint. The three vectors ,
, and
form a set ofmutually perpendicular unit vectors that are related to the direction of themuscle with respect to the joint. The unit vector
is the directionof the muscle, its line of action. Theunit vector
is the directionfrom the joint to the line of action of the muscle. The unit vector
The distance between a muscle and the joint that it isacting across will affect the turning angle that it can produce.
Muscles more distant from a joint will have smallerangles for the same muscle length.
A muscle that is initially of length experiences asmall contraction
, which moves the Bend to B«.
and a direction
as a goodapproximation of its axis of rotation. The actual turning moment is the ratio of the old muscle terminus to thenew muscle terminus.
The instantaneous axis of rotation is .
A muscle contracts from Bto B«, a distance of
The reason for making the distinction is that the shorteningof the muscle may move the new muscle insertion out of line with the originalmuscle direction. For instance, ifthe result of a muscle contraction is to rotate bone B, then the muscle insertion on
We can define the contraction in terms of an effort, , and an angle,
, where
is the anglebetween the line of action for the muscle, V
The contraction moment is a function of the effort ofthe muscle contraction and the angle between the muscleÕs line of action andthe vector from the joint to the muscle insertion. The resolution of the muscle pull into a radial and rotatorycomponent is drawn offset from the insertion.
While the muscle moment and the contraction moment look likethey should be variants of the same concept, they are quite different.
Note that the vector component, , is perpendicular to the plane of the muscle and joint.
The scalar, , gives the relative effort in the direction of the armature,that is, compression or distraction of the joint. If the angle,
, is less than 90¡, then the action is distraction of thejoint, that is,
ispositive. If
is greater than 90¡, then the action is a compression of thejoint, that is,
is negative. One could equally well choose the complementaryangle,
, in which case compression of the lever arm would bepositive effort and distraction would be negative effort.
The effort is divided into a component directed along thelever arm from the joint to the insertion, which will be called the radial,compressive, or tensile impetus, and an effort in the direction of the line ofaction of the muscle, which will be called the rotatory impetus.
The scalar component times a unit vector in the direction ofthe lever arm is the radial impetus. It is a force directed along the lever arm.
The vector component of the contraction moment is thecontraction moment torque times the lever arm. It is an impetus in the direction perpendicular to the leverarm and in the plane of the muscle and the joint. It causes a rotation about the axis of rotation of thejoint, so, the force is in the plane of the muscle and the joint and in thedirection of the right thumb as the fingers of the right hand curl from therotation axis to the lever arm.
The term impetus is used because the quantity isproportional to the length of the lever arm, so that the same force exerted ata greater distance will more readily rotate the mobile bone.
The vectors and
are alwaysperpendicular, because it was part of the definition of the muscle moment that
is perpendicularto the plane determined by the two insertions of the muscle,
areperpendicular, their product will always be a vector, in this case
, rather than a full quaternion. Normally, the product of two vectors is a quaternion andvectors are by definition quaternions, quaternions with null scalars, but theproduct being specifically a vector is consistent with the product behaving asa force.
The radial and rotatory impetuses are also alwaysperpendicular to each other, so their sum, M,is the sum of the two orthogonal vectors and it is aligned with the line ofaction of the muscle. Thecontraction moment describes the effort or a potential effort acting about ajoint that a muscle is capable of producing. Potential efforts are included because, when muscle actionsare combined, the actual movement produced may be different from thecontraction moments of any of the competing muscles. We wish to examine the consequences of multiple muscleacting about the same joint, however, to do so, it is necessary to define onemore concept.
The contraction moment acts at an insertion to give a forcepair that is the product of the contraction moment and the lever arm of theinsertion relative to the joint. Let us call that product the momentum ofthe insertion relative to the joint,
Clearly, is the same as
, for the final expression of the momentum of muscle
The momentum is a quaternion with the scalar being the forceof compression or distraction operating at the functional joint and the vectorcomponent is the rotating force or the torque, also operating at thejoint. The momentum is the unitvector in the direction of the insertion times the muscle contraction moment.
The radial force effectively acts at the functional joint,, and rotatory force,
. In panel C,the radial force,
, has been redrawn as originating at the joint and it isapparent that it will tend to move bone 2towards bone 1 and to the leftto roughly equal extents.
The rotatory force, r,acts differently. It will tend torotate bone 2 about the functionaljoint. The force is applied at the joint as well, but it is a product of avector aligned with the axis of rotation for the joint, , and the lever arm,
. However, we can more readily appreciate the force if we visualizeit as pushing on a standard lever arm in the plane of the axis ofrotation. We draw a ray thatstarts in the joint and extends directly away. Any ray will do, however, in this case it has been drawndown the center of bone 2.
indicates the direction of the ray. At a distance of oneunit in the direction of
we place avector,
, that extends perpendicular to the ray and which has amagnitude equal to the magnitude of the radial torque times the lever arm. Thevector
indicates the direction of
. Because the attachment site for the muscle is less than aunit distant from the functional joint, the vector extending perpendicular tothe ray is a bit shorter than the vector at the insertion.
The unit vector is directedalong the radial axis through the joint and the unit vector
is perpendicularto it in the plane of the torque. In the illustration
is in the directionof the purple line and
is in thedirection of the vector
A muscle pulls on a tuberosity on Bone 2
The normalized rotatory force expresses the tendency of bone2 to rotate about the functional joint,that is, about the vector of the moment of the muscle, . It is a scalarequal to the ratio of the length of the rotatory force vector to the length ofthe lever arm times the unit vector in the direction of the axis of rotation.
The combination of muscle actions requires that themuscle momenta be recast so that they are all operating at the joint.
Now we can consider the situation where we have severalmuscles acting across a joint, each with an instantaneous axis of rotation, , an effort,
, and an angle of action
. We can thewrite a contraction moment for each.
The resultant of all the muscles actions will be the sumof the muscle contraction momenta.
We can break the combined muscle momentum into two parts,the radial and rotatory components, both of which operate at the joint, but indifferent ways.
Normally, the movement will change the axis of the musclemoments and a new expression for the movement will have to be computed.Therefore, the momentum is a continuously changing entity that is contingentupon the current muscle set and determining future muscle sets in amusculoskeletal system.
Most of the examples that will be considered here will bequite simple. We will start withexamples in which the muscles are in direct opposition and then move on to morecomplex situations where combined contractions of muscles change their turningvectors.
For many joints there is a single axis of rotation that isenforced by the anatomy of the jointÕs articular surfaces and the tethering ofthe ligaments about the joint. Theknee joint between the femur and the tibia is set by the two condyles, whichmake the joint surface essentially cylindrical, even though the individualcondyles are ovoid. The movementis constrained by the collateral and cruciate ligaments.
The gleno-humeral joint has a nearly spherical surface, asdoes the trochanter of the femur. Therefore there is a great deal more variation in the axis of rotation,which depends upon the placement of the humeral head relative to the glenoidfossa or the trochanteric head relative to the acetabulum.
Now that we have laid out a few definitions andrelationships, it is time to consider a concrete example, to see how thesefactors come into play. The firstexample is very simple. Assume asingle muscle, , the one between the apices of the vertical processes of thetwo bones in the second illustration of this chapter. Let the joint linkage of bone Abe 2.0 units and the joint linkage of bone Bbe 1.0 unit. The verticalprocesses are 1.0 unit long and each insertion is at the apex of itsprocess. The framed vector forbone A in neutral position will beas follows.
The framed vector for bone B will be as follows.
The muscle direction is the difference between its insertions,. If the musclecontracts, then its moment is the ratio of its origin to its insertion.
The muscle is attached at some distance from the joint,but with a long lever arm. Thiscombination gives modest movement with moderate contraction and effort.
For a small contraction, the new arrangement of bone
If you recalculate the muscle moment, you will find that itnow has an angle of 98.435¡ about the +kaxis. The muscle has contractedfrom a length of 3.0 to a length of 2.82. We obtained a 9.25% change in the angle of the muscle moment with a6.15% shortening of the muscle.
Note that the muscle must contract to a third of itsoriginal length in order to bring the link armature of B to a 90¡ angle with the link armature of
The momentum of the muscle working at the joint is readilycalculated. The lever arm is at a45¡ angle to the joint linkage for bone B. and
. The muscle isat an angle of 135¡ to the lever arm. That leads to the following momentum.
The radial force at the joint is compression at a 45¡ angleaway from the muscle insertion and a rotatory force about the axis of themuscle moment. The radial force isabout 0.7 times the rotatory force.
Let the attachment site on bone A be about 0.1 units alongthe vertical process and the attachment site upon bone B be about 0.1 unitsbeyond the joint on the link armature. The framed vector for bone Ain neutral position will be as follows.
The framed vector for bone B will be as follows.
The direction of the muscle is the difference between itsinsertions, . If the musclecontracts, then its moment is the ratio of its origin to its insertion.
The great majority of the muscle, about 20/21, is on theA side of the joint. The musclesubtends almost 180¡ relative to the joint and the axis of rotation is in thepositive k direction.
The muscle is attached in such a ways as to operateclose to the joint and to have a long belly. This combination produces large movements with smallcontractions.
For a small contraction, the new arrangement of bone
If we do the calculation, then the result is the followingframed vector for bone B.
If you recalculate the muscle moment, you will find that itnow has an angle of 167.138¡ about the +kaxis. The muscle has contractedfrom a length of 2.1024 to a length of 2.1001, a difference of 0.1%.
In general, placing an insertion near a joint and anotherinsertion at some distance will produce large angular excursions with smallmuscle contractions. Being nearthe joint, such muscles must pull harder than more distant muscles to producethe same movement. We will seethat a large fraction of the effort is going into compressing the joint.
The momentum of the muscle working at the joint is againreadily calculated. The lever armis at a 0¡ angle to the joint linkage for bone B. and
. The muscle isat an angle of 177.27¡ to the lever arm. That leads to the following momentum.
The radial force at the joint is compression along the axisof bone A and a small rotatory forceabout the axis of the muscle moment. The radial force is about 21 times the rotatory force.
Let us consider a slight anatomical modification to the lastarrangement. Place the insertionon a tubercle that extends 0.1 units away from the shaft of the joint linkageprocess. The framed vector wouldbe as follows.
The efficiencies of the last arrangement are retained inthat small contractions produce large angular excursions. and
. The muscle isat an angle of 135¡ to the lever arm. That leads to the following momentum.
The radial force at the joint is compression at a 45¡ angleto the axis of bone A and a smallrotatory force about the axis of the muscle moment. The radial force is about 7 times the rotatory force.). Consequently,we tend to get maximal efficiency in turning a bone in a joint if we place themuscle insertion near the functional joint, on the side of the muscle.
Next let us consider two muscles that act at the same joint,but in opposite directions. Letthe first be the muscle that we have just considered and the second be itsreflection across the joint. Theframed vector for bone A in neutralposition will be as follows.
The framed vector for bone Bwill be as follows.
The muscles are then the difference between theirinsertions,
If the muscle contracts, then its moment is the ratio of itsorigin to its insertion. We mayreadily compute both muscle moments. The difference is the direction of theturning vector.
The combined muscle momentum is the weighted sum of the twocomponent muscle momenta.
If the efforts are equal, then the combined momentum iscompression along the shaft of bone A,because the component momenta cancel each other. The limb does not move, but the joint is compressed with aforce that is twice that generated by each muscle. If the efforts are not equal then the joint will rotate,because there is a non-zero rotatory force.
The momentum is composed of two components, a radialcomponent and a rotatory component. If one of the efforts is zero, then the combined momentum becomes equalto the remaining effort. When bothefforts are the same, the rotatory component becomes zero and the two radialcomponents add vectorially.
If and
are the musclemoment axes of two muscles that act in direct opposition to each other, as inthe situation that we have just considered, then their combined action may beto hold the limb in a single placement
or to move thelimb in the direction of one of the moments
. If the twomoments are not in direct opposition, then there is a combined muscle momentthat is not aligned with either muscle moment vector
Pairs of muscles may work cooperatively to move the bonesabout an intermediate axis; thereby creating a virtual muscle that behavesdifferently than either component muscle alone. The next few sections will consider a few musculoskeletalsystems that do not have the muscles in direct opposition and therefore areable to move the swinging bone about an axis different from the axis of anymuscle in the set. These are moreinteresting, because they allow the bones to move in a wide range ofdirections.
The simplest such systems are those that have threenon-coplanar muscles. In suchsystems pairs of muscles can act together to create virtual muscle with anyaxis of rotation in the plane of the two muscle axes that can be expressed asthe positive sum of the two axes of rotation. Muscles can only pull, so, negative coefficients of the axesof rotation are not permissible. The third muscle can oppose all virtual muscles formed by the othertwo. By taking different pairs ofmuscles, one can create axes of rotation in a full circle of directions.
We will find that three muscles generate geodesictrajectories, but the moving bone can attain only orientations that have nullspin relative to the starting orientation. In order to reach other trajectories, one must have at leastone more muscle.
Let us return to the original diagram of the musculoskeletalsystem and consider the muscle moments of the three muscles that link theapices of similar processes (VAVB,RARB, and
The muscles that join similar vertices areillustrated. They are capable ofrotating bone B along geodesictrajectories from neutral position, which is shown here.
The direction of all the muscles is , but the vectors of the axes of rotation are rotatedrelative to each other by 120¡.
All the axes of rotation are in the same plane, a verticalplane through the joint. Clearly,any combination of actions in these three parallel muscles must also lie inthat plane. In a system of threeopposing muscles that have all of their muscle moment vectors in the same planethe system is stable in that the resultant muscle moment vector lies in thesame plane.
All of the trajectories that are generated by these musclesare great circle or geodesic arcs for the shaft of the bone.
The three lever arms are the hypotenuses of right triangles,so we can write down their directions and magnitudes and the angle between eachlever arm and its muscle is 135¡ in every case. That information is sufficientto allows us to write down the combined momentum.
We can now massage this equation,simplify, and re-arrange the terms to obtain a more useful form for ourpurposes.
This is a complicated formula, but some examination willreveal that it has the expected symmetries. Setting any two efforts equal to zero gives the momentum ofthe third muscle. If all threemuscles contract with equal force, then the bone will not move, because the sumof any two will be the opposite of the third. The joint will be compressed in the direction of the shaftof bone A with a force that is oneand a half times the contraction forces, .
The axis of rotation is always in the j,k
If the muscles are not parallel to the joint linkages of thebones in neutral position, then the trajectories are not geodesic, because thethree axes of rotation are not is a single plane, but the orientation of bone
Let us now consider a second set of muscles, the musclesthat extend from one process to the next process in a clockwise direction (
First we define the muscles.
Three diagonal muscles are illustrated.
If we convert to contraction moments and sum the threemuscle contractions the result is as follows.
If each muscle makes the same effort (), then the contraction moment simplifies to an interestingexpression.
We can compute the muscle contraction momentum much as wedid in the last example. In fact,some of the parameters are the same. The lever arms are exactly the same as in the case with parallelmuscles. We have to recalculatethe angle between a lever arm and a muscle by taking the ratio of their vectors.
Each muscle independently will cause bone
The final expression is written in that form because the twoterms are describing two different forces. The first says that there is compression along the axis ofbone A equal to about 1.98 times theeffort of each muscle and the second term says that there is a rotation aboutthe axis of the bone with an effort about 1.13 times the effort of eachmuscle. Bone
This is a fairly difficult computation to obtain a resultthat we can obtain with a bit of intuition, however, the power of the approachbecomes apparent when we do not choose a situation with such symmetry ofeffort. It is not difficult towrite a program that incorporates the basic approach that has been illustratedhere and use it to compute the trajectory of the bones under any statedconditions. All that is requiredis a statement of the placement of the two bones with the extensions for themuscle attachments and the definition of the muscles in terms of theirattachments.
By spinning about its axis, the insertion sites upon bone
As bone B isrotating through the 120¡ to bring it into alignment with bone
With three muscle moments, there are placements that onecannot reach. For the situationwith the parallel muscles it was possible to reach only those placements thatwere on great circles from the initial placement. In fact, most placements are impossible to achieve with onlythree muscles. In addition, sincemuscles cannot exert negative effort, there are many locations that cannot bereached.
All the muscles are illustrated with bone
Muscles cannot have negative moment vectors.
A bone can rotated to a location by two coplanar unit momentvectors and then a third moment vector that travels with the bone can be usedto rotate about its axis to obtain the desired rotation.
As the bones rotate, the muscle insertions rotate relativeto each other, which means that their moments change.
For instance, if the diagonal muscles shorten then they rotatebone B upon bone A and make the parallel muscles shift from coplanar totetrahedral while the diagonal muscles shift from tetrahedral to coplanar.
Adjacent muscles will have directions on opposite sides ofthe geodesic plane. Thereforeadding them in correct weightings will produce a vector in the geodesic plane.
For any combination of three non-aligned muscles that havean effort greater than zero in every muscle, the resultant contraction momentvector is not in the plane of any pairs of muscle moment vectors.
This is equivalent to stating that three independent vectorsform the basis of a three-dimensional space, except that, since musclescontract, only positive sums can exist. Consequently, only the convex space bounded by the planes determined byeach pair of vectors contains possible moment vectors.
It should be noted that any rotation in which a referencepoint on the moving object remains in a plane may be expressed as a geodesicrotation by choosing another reference point relative to the object.
Any conical rotation can be expressed as the product of apure spin and a pure swing. Elsewhere, we illustrated a protocol that will always give two componentmovements that combine to give the same outcome as the conical rotation(Transformations of Orientation: Revisiting Swing and Spin).
In the chapter about the movements of the eyeball(Transformations of Orientation in a Universal Joint) there were six muscles,therefore the eyeball could potentially be placed in all placements in acontinuous region of the placement space. It was noteworthy that functional constraints reduced the actual rangeto the placements with null spin relative to neutral gaze.
The two muscle moment vectors, V1and V2, determine a plane and a perpendicular vector
By the co-contraction of pairs of muscles one may obtainvirtual muscle alignments that are intermediate to the alignments of themuscles. In the case of the threeparallel muscles, we were able to obtain any trajectory that was a geodesicthrough neutral position. The planefor the three parallel muscles is the geodesic plane for neutral position.
More generally, if we have two vectors, they define a planeand if we take a reference point on a line that passes through the center ofrotation in the direction of the ratio of the vectors or its negative, that is,upon a line perpendicular to the plane defined by the vectors, then themovements produced by those muscles will produce geodesic movements of thereference point. Those movementswill have an axis of rotation that may be expressed a positive sum of themuscle moment vectors. In the caseof the parallel muscles, the three muscle moment vectors were all in the sameplane and each pair was able to produce a sector. The three sectors comprise the entire set of possibledirections, therefore the three parallel muscles are able to generate geodesicmovements through neutral position in all possible directions.
The axis of rotation for three muscles pulling togetherlies in the region between the axes of rotation for the individual muscles andit is a weighted sum of the individual axes of rotation.
When the three muscle moment vectors are not coplanar, thenthe possible combined contraction moments vectors will lie in the sector thatis defined by the three directions. There is no single reference point, other than the center of rotationthat is on the perpendiculars to any two muscle planes, therefore, there is noreference point that will experience geodesic rotations for two differentcombinations of the muscle contractions. Consequently, at a deep level, the rotations produced by muscles withnon-coplanar muscle moments are conical, non-geodesic, rotations.
It turns out that if we have four non-coplanar muscle momentvectors, then we can take them in triplets to generate four sectors thatcompletely exhaust the possible muscle moment vectors.
In practice, we generally do not need to be able to move toall possible locations, only locations in a sector of space, therefore, theoretically,can make due with three non-coplanar axes of rotation.
All possible rotations have been accounted for so fourunaligned muscles would be sufficient to move any anatomical object from anylocation to any other location on the surface of a sphere.
Four muscle moments determine two rotation axes.
Generally, we wish to move through a sector, therefore a setof three muscles will be sufficient to move an anatomical object to anylocation in that sector. However,it is possible to choose two pairs of muscles such that each pair has oppositemuscle moment vectors and the different pairs have differently oriented momentvectors. The four recti of theeyeball are an example of such an arrangement. Since we have only two effective axes of rotation, allmovements in such a system will be geodesic, with null spin relative to neutralposition.
For rotations that change location, there are only twodimensions (up/down, right/left). The third dimension would be depth or radial distance and it is not possibleto change it with a rotation in a single joint alone. In a system with two joints, radial distance may be avariable. If we addanother axis of rotation, aligned with the vector of the plane of the other twoaxes, then we can change orientation.
In a one joint system, that is all the control that ispossible for the modification of orientation. Consequently, a single joint system has a maximum of threeindependent dimensions of placement. With a two joint system, one may obtain the full six dimensions ofplacement. An eyeball in its orbitis a single joint system, so it needs only six muscles.
One may see how to control both location and orientation ina single joint system by imagining a system in which one may move a bone byrotating it about its shaft until one reaches the desired orientation and thenmoving the bone along a geodesic trajectory. Alternatively, one may move the bone to the correct locationan then rotate it about its shaft to obtain the desired orientation.
Note that it is not necessary for the muscle moment vectorsto be orthogonal or parallel. Itonly helps to see the actions of the system when such is the case.
Even though the eyeball has the potential for a relativeindependence between the orientation and the location of the eye, it does notuse that freedom, because there is a functional constraint upon the eye tomaintain the visual image of the world upright upon the retina.
Many musculoskeletal systems reduce their potential degreesof freedom when performing their normal actions. For instance, most bones do not have independent control oflocation and orientation. Often,as with the eyeball, there is a functional covariation of location andorientation, where knowing the location gives a good estimate of orientation.Another way in which anatomical movements may be more restricted is whencertain directions of movement are prevented by bone architecture.
In the temporomandibular joint there is also normally asingle dimension of movement, essentially back and forth along a bony ridge,but the jaw has a complex trajectory with respect to location and orientation,because changing location leads to an intricate sequence of orientations thatrotate the jaw. It is furthercomplicated by the joint having two widely spaced facets, on either side of themouth.
In fact, there are probably very few joints where there isrelative independence of location and orientation, such as the gleno-humeraljoint of the shoulder and the trochanteric hip joint. Even those joints tend to have a certain orientationassociated with a particular location, but we can move some distance away fromthose usual placements, if we so choose. In a therapeutic setting, it is common to move the joint into the unusedparts of its potential movement space, in order to stretch muscles and/orconnective tissue. Sometimes ajoint moves into an abnormal parts of its movement space as a result of externallyimposed forces.
Because of the geometry of many joints, there is not asimple relationship between location and orientation and we seldom move along asingle dimension in natural movement. When we reach for a cup, our shoulder is changing its direction andorientation together in a complex manner. The intricacy of such movements is good evidence that we do notrepresent movements in terms of location or orientation, but in terms ofplacement. The most efficientmovements are probably ones that move on smooth, comparatively simple,trajectories in placement space.
In our analysis of the movements of the eyeball, the mostefficient movements were not the shortest trajectories in location space ororientation space, but they are conical rotations that change both at the sametime in a well defined manner.
Not all the forces acting across a joint are due to musclecontractions. We will brieflyconsider two other types of forces. The first are the inertial forces, due to accelerations.
Bone A articulateswith bone B in joint
The force Fis applied at a point C onbone B. The point of application is separated from the joint,
We can write down the momentum of the applied force as wasdone for the muscle momenta.
The second type of non-muscular force is the resistive forceassociated with tethering and abutment. Joints are usually stabilized and constrained by ligaments that tetherthe joint, not allowing two points on different bones to separate by more thana fixed distance (). There may besome stretch in the ligament, but usually very little, because the purpose of aligament is to restrict movement in certain directions.
Abutment is often associated with tethering, because thetethering forces articular surface together by restricting rotation.). Once again,there is often some give, but generally not much.
Tethering occurs when points on two bones becomeseparated by a distance equal to the length of the tether.
Both of the situations create a passive force in a structureor structures that resists further movement. The force generated is the sum of the active forces frommuscle contractions and the inertial forces from the weight of the limbs andthe loads being moved as they apply at the attachments of the ligament or thecontact in an abutment. The twoanatomical structures work in similar and different ways.
Both do not enter into consideration until a condition ismet. For the tether, there is noforce until the ligament attachments on different bones move a certain distanceapart. At that point furtherseparation is not longer an option. Depending upon the organization of the ligament with respect to thejoint, the movement may be limited in certain directions, but not others.
In the knee, the arrangement of the lateral and medialligaments and the cruciate ligaments is such that one can move into aclose-packed position at the end of knee extension with a fillip of rotation tolock it in place. The ligamentsrestrict the direction of movement and abutment prevents the knee fromextending beyond a certain point. However, reversing the terminal rotation allows the knee to bebent.
The lumbar intervertebral discs are constructed so that theintervertebral ligaments allow a certain amount of rotation and rocking betweenthe vertebrae, but they firmly stop all movements beyond that measure.
While abutments tend to compress the joint by forcing thearticular surfaces closer together, they also tend to open joints, by formingan alternative articulation or fulcrum. The functional joint may suddenly move to a new location, which may bedangerous, if unanticipated. Themuscle forces are arranged about the joint so that they are in balance for aparticular fulcrum. If the fulcrumsuddenly changes, the forces that the muscles must bear may suddenly change anda muscle will be overstrained before it can react to protect itself. Otherstructures about the joint may be forced to assume strains that they were notmeant to deal with, leading to tearing of their fabric.
Abutments also experience a passive strain that depends uponthe various forces operating about the joint. The forces can be calculated by computing the combinedmomentum with the join at the point of abutment, rather than at the usualfunctional joint.
The following chapter considers the manner in whichligaments and abutments restrict movement. To consider those points here would take us away from thegeneral themes developed in this chapter and make this chapter too long.
It should be obvious that only certain combinations ofmuscle lengths can occur in any given musculoskeletal system.
A little thought will reveal that the muscle set is asurface. For every value of theplacement of the bones, there is a unique set of muscle lengths.) with two independent axes of rotation.
Each muscle in the muscle set adds a dimension.
We are using independent and dependent in a formal sense,because, in practice, we manipulate the muscle lengths to move the bones.
The muscle set is the surface of permissible muscle lengthcombinations plotted against the boneÕs placements. It is generally not possible to visualize such a space, butthere are tricks that allow us to get some insight into the structure of such aspace. They compromise some of thefeatures and preserve others.
One such trick is to construct a contour map.
With a muscle set, it is often convenient to slice thesurface so that it is projected upon a surface perpendicular to the axis for amuscle. In the instance of theextrinsic eye muscles it was convenient to slice the surface in the directionsof the individual muscles. It gaveus a set of six contours that could be plotted against placement, which hasonly two dimensions for the eyeball. Consequently, we could plot the projection of the surface for eachmuscle, a stack of six curvilinear planes (see the initial figure in thischapter). However, what is shownis a contour map of a two dimensional surface in an eight dimensional space.
In general, the dimension of the surface is the number ofindependent placement dimensions. In the instance of the eyeball, or any universal joint, there areeffectively three degrees of freedom, medial/lateral, elevation/depression, androtation about the line of gaze. The first two give the location or gaze direction and the third give theorientation. However, because offunctional constraints embedded in DonderÕs and ListingÕs laws, orientation isdetermined by gaze direction. Consequently, there are only two independent placement dimensions.
In general there is a dimension for the muscle set space foreach muscle, but that too can be altered by the anatomy.
That does not mean that there is not interesting anatomy insuch a joint. For instance, onemuscle might be attached so as to be efficient is getting the joint moving atan extreme position. A secondmight be arranged so as to give power when the joint is in anotherplacement. The supraspinatus anddeltoid muscles operate in this manner when abducting the arm at thegleno-humeral joint in the shoulder.
As statedabove, another way in which muscle set surfaces differ from our common image ofthem is that they may be one dimensional, as in the example of a hinge jointthat we just considered. They maybe two dimensional, as in the case of the extrinsic eye muscles.
If we wished to consider the placement of a hand whilereaching from a fixed body, then the muscle set surface would be sixdimensional. We are warranted incalling a six dimensional surface a surface because it has fewer dimensionsthan the muscle set space in which it is embedded. In the hand placement example, there might be dozens ofmuscle dimensions. There couldeasily be a dozens muscles involved in the shoulder alone.
A little thought will lead one to realize that in the lastexample one of the remarks made at the start of this section no longerholds. The muscle set surface isno longer unique to the placement. We know that if you grip a stationary pole, thereby fixing the placementof your hand, and without moving your body, you are able to move your arm andforearm through a substantial excursion. Those movements change the lengths of many of the muscles in the muscleset, because the muscle attachments are moving relative to each other as thebones move relative to each other. It is obvious that the muscle set surface is not unique to the placementof the hand. That is because wehave collapsed the full muscle set space. If we introduce the placement of the scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, andthe carpal bones, then the muscle set surface is unique.
We can collapse muscle set spaces by projecting the fullsurface into a smaller number of dimensions, much as sunlight shining throughshear curtains will create shadows where multiple layers of curtains exist atthe same point in the shadow.
Collapsing muscle set spaces is not a bad thing.
There are movements that are judged to be elegant solutionsof the problem just considered. Wecommonly find ways of moving more efficiently to achieve a particularoutcome. When a person movesefficiently, we say that they are graceful. When a movement lacks efficiency then it is said to beclumsy. It is probable that elegant or graceful movement will turn out to beefficient in the sense that it traces a geodesic trajectory in the muscle setsurface, that is a shortest path between two states. However, the most graceful trajectory may be an optimal pathsubject to constraints.
When considering eye movements we found that thetrajectories that will move the eye between gazes and ensure that it iscorrectly oriented when it arrived is a particular type of geodesic in themuscle set surface for the extrinsic eye muscles. In that case, it was not the shortest possible path, but theshortest path subject to the constraint of automatically correctingorientation. When that path is notfollowed, the eye movement is inefficient and clumsy in that it requires acorrection movement to achieve its goal. Taking a shorter path would force one out of the muscle set surface.
Muscle actions are specified by a combination of the muscleset as expressed in the muscle set surface and the interactions of the musclemomenta. The muscle set surfaceconstrains the possibilities and the geometry of the musculoskeletal system todirect the trajectory taken in that surface. Clearly the muscle set is determined by the geometry of thesystem, but there is still a multitude of ways that the muscles may co-contractto move the system in that surface. When muscles contract or relax, they change their axis of the movementand produce results that none alone is capable of producing in isolation.
The muscle set determines the placement of the bones andmuscles, which are expressed as a point in that surface.
This analysis raises the obvious question of how thetrajectory is determined by the nervous system. As discussed above, it is likely that the chosen trajectoryis a geodesic in the muscle set surface, subject to certain constraints.
In science, we often look for invariants, that is,parameters that remain the same during apparent change.
Similarly, when we scan our world, we find that it is filledwith many entities that remain essentially the same whether we move or theobject moves, such as chairs and tables. Even a friend is perceived as being a continuing unity despite manychanges in their location and their postures, how we are viewing them, and wherewe are. We are able to recognize achair whether it is near or far, upright or tilted on its side, in bright lightand dim light. It is the samechair if we view it face on or see it out of the corner of our eye.
In addition to such perceptual invariants, there are motorinvariants. We do not consider allthe details of our muscles and joints when we reach for a cup of coffee.
You may have noted that forces are not a central concern inthe analysis that we have been considering. That is because they are highly contingent upon the specificcondition in which the movement is occurring. They are critical to successful accomplishment of amovement, but we would never represent the movement in terms of the individualmuscle forces. The movement thatwe wish to accomplish is much more efficiently stored as a trajectory in amuscle set surface. That isespecially true if we need only enter the starting point and the finishingpoint and the surface automatically generates the trajectory.
It should be clear from the analysis that we have beenengaged in that the control of movement is an incredibly difficultcomputational task. Far beyondwhat the human nervous system is capable of in real time.