Constructing Equivalent Descriptions of a Rotation
We will consider a situation where a vector, v
The vector v isrotated through an angle about an axis of rotation. It may also change length at the same time.
If is notperpendicular to , then more calculations are required.
If we have the vector,
The full angle version applies only when the angle betweenthe axis of rotation and the rotating vector is 90¡. It is conceptually simpler in that it is rotation in aplane. The half-angle version issuitable for describing any rotation. Consequently, if you do not know that the angle between the rotatingvector and the axis of rotation is a right angle, it is always best to use thehalf angle format. As indicatedabove, this simple equivalence applies only when the tensor is unity.
If the tensor of the quaternion is not unity, then thesituation is more complex and the two processes yield fundamentally differentresults. However, each outcome can be converted into the other with littledifficulty. In the next fewparagraphs we will consider how.
Consider the two expressions. The first is based on the definition of a quaternion.
The second is based on the half angle formula thatapplies when the rotating vector is not perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
The second tensor is necessarybecause the half angle quaternions, which are computed from the full anglequaternion, cancel each other so that the expression inside the square bracketsis effectively multiplication by a unit quaternion. The scalar, , is a rescaling of the vector v
We need to consider these movements in a bit moredetail. As far as I am aware,there is no terminology for the two movements expressed in the two equationsabove, so, I will introduce names for each. The intent is to simplify description by settling uponsimple terms for expressing each action.
Paradoxically, there is a well established name for asimilar but subtly more complex movement. When an object rotates about an axis as it advances in the direction ofthe axis, it is said to be making a screwmotion (Weisstein 2003). This type of movement may also be called a twist, but thatterm has a very definite special meaning in differential geometry (Weisstein 2003). The force couple that produces a screw movement is called a wrench
A screwis a combined rotation and translation with respect to the same axis
The above figure illustrates a screw.
As used here, a screw can be oblique when the direction ofthe translation is not parallel with the axis of rotation.
The second type of movement, the one described by the fullangle formulation with a non-unity tensor, will be called a cast
A castis a planar rotation about an axis with a concurrent change in scale
An orthogonal screw is a unit cast plus a translation in thedirection of the axis of rotation. Consequently, a screw is a more complex movement than a cast.
The tensor Tcis the magnification or minification factor for the cast.
The third type of movement, the one where the half angleformulation is used, will be called a coil,as it is a spiraling movement. Itis a movement in which the rotating vector changes length as it rotates.
The expression for a constant coil is given by the followingexpression.
The tensor is the relativelength of the rotating vector, as it is in a cast, but, because we aremultiplying a conical rotation, the effect is different.
A coilis a conical rotation about an axis with a concurrent change in scale
Clearly, the expressions for screws and casts are quitesimilar in that both are written in terms of full angles.
One simply has to compute the location of the plane, adistance in the directionof the unit vector of the rotation quaternion, , from the origin of v.
It turns out to be straightforward to compute those twovectors. In words, one computesthe quaternion () that rotates the axis of rotation () into the rotating vector (v).Then, the axis of rotation is multiplied by that quaternion to obtain thelocation of the plane of the axis of rotation that contains the terminus of therotating vector, , and the distance from the axis of rotation to the terminusof the rotating vector, .
The components of the rotating vector relative to theaxis of rotation may be readily computed from the ratio of the two vectors.
The ratio of the rotating vector to the axis of rotation isthe quaternion , which has an angle and a tensor of
Note that is definedslightly different than it was above. This relationship would not hold with that definition of
The last equation is the basis for the transformation from ahalf angle expression to a full angle expression. If the original expression was in terms of the half angleexpression, then we can now write it in terms of the full angle of rotation.
If the tensor in the half-angle formulation is not equal to1.0 then the rotating vector will trace a cone with a spiral edge.
The origin of the rotation can be anywhere on the axis ofrotation. Let us pick the point
The vector is notchanged by the operation, therefore we can readily compute the new value of therotated vector.
So, it turns out that the location of the center ofrotation is irrelevant except as an offset along the axis of rotation.
This can be expressed in the half angle format as follows.
The expression of a screw in half angle format isaccomplished by simply adding the translation term to the last equation.
Clearly, and are ratherdifferent movements if the tensor is not unity. However, each can be expressed in the other format withcomparatively simple adjustments.
The full angle expression is more intuitive, but it isgenerally easier to use the half angle expression in all situations that do notdepend upon the definition of a quaternion as a rotation of one vector intoanother. On the other hand, therewill be problems in which we need to compute the plane of the rotation and thedistance from the axis of rotation to the rotating point and we will return tothis imagery.
A cast can always be reduced to a planar rotation by findinga center of rotation that is equidistant from the two locations.
The ratio of the vector to the midpoint to the negative ofone of the location vectors gives the angle between them.
Three examples of casts and the construction of thecenter of rotation for the unitary rotation that is equivalent to the cast.
The cast is in a plane and we can compute the quaternion ofthat plane by taking the ratio of the two vectors of the cast or the quaternionof the ratio that was just computed. We will use the unit quaternion for the ratio and let the angle betweenthe vectors, , be a variable.
The reason for computing that quaternion is it allows us toreadily compute the vector that splits the angular excursion of the equivalentrotation, a vector that we will call the spine, . The directionof the spine is the quaternion of the plane of the rotation with an angularexcursion of 90¡ times the direction of the vector to the midpoint and thelength of the spine is the length of the vector to the midpoint times thetangent of the angle between the vector to the midpoint and the rotatingvector. Putting those two factstogether, we obtain the vector of the spine.
Now we can sum three vectors to obtain the center ofrotation. The starting vector ofthe cast plus the vector to the midpoint between the two cast vectors plus thespine vector will bring one to the center of rotation for the equivalentunitary rotation or cast. Such acast may also be called the isosceles cast, because the two rotating vectorsare of equal length, the angle between them is , and the two base angles are equal.
With a unitary or isosceles cast, the center of rotationwill be the origin of the cast. For non-unitary casts, the center of rotation lies on a line coincidentwith the starting vector. Thelocation depends complexly upon the details of the cast, but the location maybe both in the direction of the starting vector or in the oppositedirection. The location isdependent upon the direction of the difference between the two cast vectorsrelative to the starting vector. If the direction of the difference is perpendicular to the startingvector, then the center of rotation is at plus or minus infinity.
Given a starting location and a finishing location and anangular excursion that carries the first into the second, one has a wideselection of possible centers of rotation for a cast. In fact, it is not possible to determine a single solutionto that situation. Such isapparent if you consider a simple arrangement. Take two stick-pins and stickthem into a surface at some distance from each other. Now, take a plastic triangle and lay it on the surface sothat two edges are against the shafts of the pins. The angle of the triangle between the pins remains the same,but you can move the triangle while keeping it in contact with both pins sothat the apex traces out a curve that starts with it being near one pin, to itbeing equidistant from both pins, to it being close to the other pin.
Let us first consider the shapes of the curves that tracethe loci of possible casts with a particular angular excursion.
The problem is to find the location of the center ofrotation for a cast that moves into
We build on the fact that the two right triangles have acommon side. That means that it ispossible to write an equation that involves four of the relevant variables.
Both y and
We can now go through and systematically compute the loci ofthe centers of rotation for a wide range of values of and
C. For small values of the angular excursion the lociof the centers of rotation are much more widely distributed than for largerangular excursions. The values ofthe base angle are equal for the most extreme left end of each curve.
D. Themovement curves of centers of rotation for casts with excursions greater thanor equal to 90¡.
In the next figure (A), the curves are plotted for instanceswhere the angular excursion is 5¡ to 170¡. The smaller the angular excursion is, the wider the solutioncurve. If you think of ourphysical model, then it is apparent that this should be the case.
The isosceles solutions occur in the midline, when thedisplacement in the direction of the difference between and
The distance from the difference between the locationto the center of rotation for the isosceles cast, as a function of the angularexcursion between the locations.
The center of rotation retreats indefinitely as the angularexcursion approaches 0¡. It lieson the difference when the angular excursion is 180¡. For small values of the distance tothe apex of the isosceles cast approximately doubles with each halving of
If we mark the locations of the centers for a series ofangles between the starting vector and the difference, the result shows thatthe points are approximately evenly distributed along the curve, as is shownfor the curve in thefollowing figure.
Note that the point for the isosceles cast (90¡) is thefurthest from the difference vector.
When computing the equivalent isosceles cast for anarbitrary, but known , cast it was apparent that the centers of rotation wereon the same line that was coincident with the starting vector.
There are two patterns that may occur, depending upon theangle between the difference and the starting vector. If the angle is less than 90¡, then the construction is likethat shown above on the left, and, if it is more than 90¡, then it is like theconstruction on the right. Similararguments apply for both, but it is easier to take them as separate problems.
Consider the configuration when the angle is less than90¡. As argued above, thedifference between and b is . We constructthe perpendicular to the difference, , that gives the isosceles cast assuming an angle between thestarting vector and the difference of. That center ofrotation lies at . The vectorfrom to
The second configuration is analyzed in much the same manner,as is indicated by using much the same labels in both figures.
Now we can consider a second way to compute the location of
Usually when one needs to compute the center of rotation fora cast it is because the movement of an anatomical object has changed both thelocation and the orientation of the object. The ratio of the orientations tells one the angularexcursion of the movement, , and the locations before and after the movement tells onethe end points of the movement, . We also know theorientation of the plane that contains the cast. The ratio of the orientations is a quaternion.
Construction for determining the center of rotation fora cast. The inset shows the castin isolation.
The first steps of the calculation are similar to those thatwe used for the center of the unitary cast, with the difference that the originof the location vectors is not necessarily the center of the cast.
We have to compute the quaternion of the plane of the cast,which is the unit quaternion of the ratio of the two orientations,
It may be found that a single plane of the ratio of theorientations cannot contain both the starting and finishing locations.
The offset is expeditiously computed by rotating the entirestructure so that the plane of the cast in coincident with one of the cardinalplanes. Let that reference planebe the i,j
With this information, it is possible to construct the spineand determine the location of the center of rotation for a unitary rotation,just was done above.
We can now compute a unit vector in the direction thatconnects to
The center of rotation must also lie on the line in thatdirection. Consequently, theintersection of the two lines will be the location of the center of rotationfor the cast.
We can solve the equation for x
We can see that this is true because the first line issimply a statement that traversing the three sides of a triangle brings you backto where you started.
We can solve for xand y. Only one is necessary, but both are readily computed.
If the center of rotation is , then the starting vector is and thefinishing vector is , the angular excursion is and the tensoris the ratio of the magnitude of the finishing vector to the magnitude of thestarting vector.
Consequently, the cast may be written as follows.
And the full movement is that plus the offsettranslation.
It should be noted that there are two solutions for eachvalue of , which are mirror reflections across a line coincident withthe difference between the two locations. Usually one or the other solution makes more anatomical sense than theother.
With only one measurement of a rotatory movement, it is notpossible to determine a unique value for the center of rotation for acast. However, given twomeasurements, one can compute a unique center of rotation.
The center of rotation for an equivalent unitary rotation,the first parameter that we calculated above, is clearly not the only center ofrotation for a cast. There aretimes when it may be sufficient, but most times one wishes to determine aphysically appropriate center of rotation for a given cast.
In the lastsection we found that there is not a single unique solution for any singlemeasurement of the rotation. Forany angular excursion, there is an infinite set of centers that will give acast for that particular angular excursion and pair of end points. However,given two measurements, it is possible to find a unique cast that satisfiesboth measurements. The solution isbound to be complex because the solution curves change with both angularexcursion and the difference between the endpoints. Increasing the angularexcursion makes the curves converge towards the difference, but increasing thedifference makes them larger. Inaddition, a rotation will usually cause the difference between the endpoints torotate in space, which will cause the solution curves to rotate as well.
Usually when one needs to compute the center of rotation fora cast it is because the movement of an anatomical object has changed both itslocation and its orientation. Theratio of the orientations tells one the angular excursion of the movement,
We also know the orientation of the plane that contains thecast. The ratio of theorientations is always a quaternion. The angle of that quaternion is and its unit vector is . Theorientation of the plane of the cast is . That is,
The first steps of the calculation are similar to those thatwe used for the center of the unitary or isosceles cast, with the differencethat the origin of the location vectors is not necessarily the center of thecast. We start with the beginningand ending locations, , and compute the difference between them,
Construction for determining the center of rotation for acast.
We have to compute the quaternion of the plane of the cast,which is the unit quaternion of the ratio of the two orientations,
It may be found that a single plane of the ratio of theorientations cannot contain both the starting and finishing locations.
As in the previous section, the offset is expeditiouslycomputed by rotating the entire structure so that the plane of the cast incoincident with a cardinal plane, for instance the i
That offset, , is rotated back into the original orientation andsubtracted from the original value of to yield a newvalue for the finishing vector, . Thecalculation is now performed with replacing
We can perform all of the calculations of the center of thecast in the reference plane and then rotate the solution back into the originalcoordinates, but we will do the calculations in the original coordinates.
The next task is to compute the center of rotations for thecast , which takes into
Now, we can compute the intersection between
The curve of solutions is given by adding the vectorfunction to the startinglocation vector, .
If we carry out these calculations for two samples of themovement, then the curves of the two solutions can be equated to determine theloci that give solutions for both samples. The solution comes down to finding the values of
If the center of rotation is , then the starting vector is and the finishingvector is , the angular excursion is and the tensoris the ratio of the magnitude of the finishing vector to the magnitude of thestarting vector.
Consequently, the cast may be written as follows.
The full movement is that plus the offset translation.
It should be noted that there are two solutions for eachvalue of , which are mirror reflections across a line coincident withthe difference between the two locations. Usually one or the other solution makes more anatomical sense than theother.
All movements of an orientable object can be described as achange in location and a change in orientation. Since the analysis just considered is based on those twoparameters, it can account for all rotations of an orientable object.
A cast may not be the most natural description in the sensethat an anatomical object may be more naturally considered a coil or a screw orsome other compound movement, based on the anatomy. If we have a reason to chose a particular center orrotation, then the solution is unique because we have a predeterminedrelationship between and
Beer,F. P. and E. Johnston Jr, Russell (1990). Vector Mechanics for Engineers.Statics, Dynamics. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Weisstein, E. W.(2003). Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics. Boca Raton, Fl., CRC Press.